They said that they want to address them as soon as they can. According to the blog post, Update 1.0.2, released on 15 October, made a lot of improvements to the game, which were mainly timeframe. But there is another update coming called update 1.0.3 which arriving in mid-November. It will include fixes on the Drone deployment, changing the fire rate, NVGs blocking crosshairs, and the Mission Completion notification pop-up. Also, this will include further improvements and updates on most community feedback. There will also be a post-launch content after this; the game will have plenty of post-launch content and special events to keep the world constantly growing and evolving. Among these things, the first one will be a raid that is called Project Titan, which will be releasing in December and The Terminator Live Event, which will release shortly after that. Ubisoft will be giving an update on these things in the future. Furthermore, they will be making adjustments to the in-game economy. Furthermore, Al teammates will be coming back according to the blog post. The company said, “We announced at E3 2019 that AI Teammates would come back to Ghost Recon Breakpoint, and they will. Ghost Recon Breakpoint was designed from the ground up to be enjoyed in co-op up to four players, and as an innovative pure solo experience. As such, adding back AI Teammates to the game is a major undertaking that will still require time. We will update you as we progress towards their release.” Lastly, in the blog post, Ubisoft explains that there are some improvements that the game needs, and they want Ghost Recon to immerse their fans in a gritty and authentic military experience.